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Pennduro 2020 by Brad Hepler
Tonbridge/Knole by John Gillespie
Sat 8th C en Caux to Dieppe by Raelton
42 miles corby glen by Matthew Pennifold
Croce d’Aune by Marco Montin Montin
Oundle to viaduct by Richard King
Corn Craft Tea Room by Gary Moore
day 3 Anglesey by Mracook
40 miles (2.5hrs) No SPTA by D_Couch
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Forcing route to cover a section that I know is a good track but C.T routes around it

There are several areas I've noticed that my and my friends local knowledge know is a perfectly good rideable track, is there a way I can overide the automatic routeing to follow these tracks?


Richard North Yorks

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