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Officially Britain’s first Cycling City, Bristol’s independent nature and eco credentials make bikes a natural fit.
It was here that the first modern cycle route was built, the famous Bristol-Bike Railway Path. (Its promoters, Sustrans, are still based in Bristol today.) Other routes have joined it since, and a vibrant cycling scene has sprung up – proof that the odd hill here and there need be no barrier to biking. There’s still much to be done in taming roads, and many are best avoided, but cycling is fast becoming part of the Bristol way of life.
7 Jul 2014
The city of Bristol, led by cycling mayor George Ferguson, has unveiled a new cycling strategy that aims to “simplify cycling” with new, attractive, safe bike routes. Mayor Ferguson, one of the founding…
7 Jul 2014
The popular waterside Chocolate Path, along the tidal River Avon, has reopened after “significant ground movements” forced its closure. Bristol City Council say “no further work is required in the…
25 Jun 2014
The ‘Chocolate Path’, the cycle path that runs besides the tidal River Avon on the south side of Spike Island, has been closed due to subsidence. Bristol City Council says that…
3 Jun 2014
The main cycle route from Portishead towards Bristol has received an upgrade – as the first step of a plan to create a direct commuter route. The path behind the Portbury Docks…
14 May 2014
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This Saturday, 17th May, thousands of cyclists will be taking to the streets to demand better cycling conditions – while having fun doing so. The ‘Big Ride’ event, part of the…
21 Mar 2014
If you’ve ever had that sinking feeling while cycling home, Bristol’s new roadside bike pumps could be the thing for you. Five municipal pumps are now being installed around the…
19 Mar 2014
Bristol’s 2014 cycling festival has been confirmed for 5th–13th July. The week-long festival is one of the largest in Britain. Last year’s event included guided rides, bike maintenance courses, talks…
3 Mar 2014
While London’s mayor Boris Johnson dithers, Bristol’s mayor is pressing ahead with the construction of a new ‘Dutch-style’ cycleway in Bristol. George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol and a founder of…
5 Dec 2013
Boris Johnson might be unconvinced by the merits of an HGV ban on London’s streets, but Bristol’s mayor George Ferguson is strongly in favour. At a question and answer session…
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