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Welcome to Swindon

It was once a railway town. Today its biggest industry is making cars. And yet the best way to get around Swindon is by bike.

Paths connect the many estates together, making a ready-made network of quiet, easy cycle routes. Though the New Town age saw relief roads and (famously) roundabouts sprouting everywhere, it’s still a town of little residential roads and hidden cut-throughs which the canny cyclist can employ to get places fast – and safely.

Swindon’s first cycling café

6 Mar 2015

The bike café boom has come to Swindon with the opening of @The Hub on Fleet Street. The new café also offers repairs and kids’ bike sales. Co-owner Kerry Richards told the …

Negotiations for Wootton Bassett cycle route

24 Feb 2015

The long-held dream of a safe cycle route from Wootton Bassett to Swindon is inching closer, with Sustrans and Wiltshire Council working together to design a new route. The Gazette and Herald reports

Old railway earmarked for Swindon cycleway

13 Feb 2015 · 1

Swindon cyclists are campaigning for an old railway to become a cycleway to the nearby town of Highworth. Highworth has a population of 8,000 and is just four miles from…

Free bike parking for Swindon organisations

29 Aug 2014

Small businesses, charities and other Swindon organisations can get free bike parking for their premises – courtesy of the local council. Swindon Borough Council, working with charity Life Cycle, is…

Swindon primary wins bike-to-school prize

18 Mar 2014

A Swindon school has won Sustrans’ annual competition for the number of kids cycling to school every day. Ferndale Primary School won the 2014 ‘Big Pedal’ by a clear margin,…

Popular bike path gets an upgrade

3 Mar 2014

The Western Flyer, perhaps the most popular traffic-free cycle route in Swindon, is receiving a much-needed upgrade. The route links West Swindon to the railway station, starting at the busy…

Swindon cyclists raise funds for hospital

5 Dec 2013

A group of cyclists in and around Swindon have raised £17,000 for the Great Western Hospital – and are now setting sights on their next challenge. The nine-strong GWH Cycle Challenge

Bike a close second in Swindon’s Wacky Races

11 Sep 2013

Remember Wacky Races, the ’60s cartoon series where a dozen different drivers competed to win the title? Swindon commuters restaged the event on 10th September – but this time,…

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