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Free bike parking for Swindon organisations

29 Aug 2014 parking Swindon
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Small businesses, charities and other Swindon organisations can get free bike parking for their premises – courtesy of the local council.

Swindon Borough Council, working with charity Life Cycle, is offering up to four free stands for qualifying groups. So far 70 local organisations have taken up the offer.

With the stands paid for and delivered free of charge, the organisation simply has to pay for them to be installed. According to Claire Fleming from Swindon Borough Council:

“We know that many small organisations don’t have the funds to pay for items, such as cycle parking, which aren’t core to their activity. That’s why we feel it’s important to help them provide stands and increase levels of cycling in the borough.” 

One of the organisations to take up the offer is Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. Neil Pullen explained:

“Wiltshire Wildlife Trust gratefully received two stands from Life Cycle Uk for the nature reserve at Kings Farm Wood, Wroughton. These are in place near the gate at Badgers Brook and provide cyclists with an opportunity to safely secure their bikes whilst walking through the nature reserve, which is the gateway to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.”

You can apply on line at

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