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Falkenham right of way?

This map (and the base OS map) shows a footpath/bridleway across fields (end segment of this route).

OS Landranger does not show this as a right of way,  nor is it signposted as a rigt of way.

It is on a regular walking route and as far as I know it isn't used by walkers or cyclists.

Is this something which needs updating in Open Street Maps?

Orford Wbg via ferry

Sample route from Orford to Woodbridge using Butley Foot Ferry.

Test of OS routing

Trying to plan a route which uses bridleways and footpaths.

Got so far but the planner refuses to do the last bit up to the road.

Felixstowe to Ipswich Station

Bypass Levington for a slightly longer route to avoid the steep hills around the Ship.

Circular from Grove via Kirton, Ship at Levington.

Out of the Grove car park, left then along track to Gulpher Road and down past duck pond. Candlet Track back to main road, over A14 and loop through Falkenham. Through Kirton then over A12 and looping back. Choice of stops; Ship at Levington or Goslings Cafe a bit nearer home.

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