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2 Jan 2023
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When I request "campsites only" for a route, I get a list of campsites. If I click on a campsite, I get a pop-up screen with a link to Archies. But if I then want more data, I get a 404.

Is this to do with the site being discontinued?


Mon 2 Jan 2023, 21:34

It is, I’m afraid. The Archies site has been discontinued so the “more details” is no longer available. I’m planning to move to OpenStreetMap campsite data in due course, which over the past few years has become more comprehensive (though it depends on area, as ever!).

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 14:47

Not s how much longer it will  work  but the Archie's app works.

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 17:24

I know, Archies has disapeard. But it lookes  bit silly in this situation.  Not for me, butaan for the uninformed.

Another challenge.
It is possible on to make campsites visible with a route too.  Wouldn't it be nice to download the route and also get the campsites from OSM?

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 17:27

Silly typo.

Read but, instead of butaan :-))

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 17:31

Richard, is there anything to be said for having the two sources (Archie's & OSM) running in parallel? Not that I expect the ability to contact the campsite through CT, for me it's enough to have a name or even a basic location. 

The reason is the inconsistency of OSM data. As you point out, it's variable in coverage but also some of the places listed as campsites under Osmand can be closed to the general public. I'm thinking scout camps, religious camps, and suchlike not to mention hiking wildcamps etc. 

I have no idea of the difficulty involved under the hood. 

In any case, Happy New Year to you and yours and I'm looking forward to more CT inspired adventures in 2023!

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 18:06

My tentative current plan is to show OSM campsites, plus those in Archies which aren’t near an OSM campsite (i.e. they’re not duplicates). I think the Archies data will probably decay over time and it probably needs some sort of feedback mechanism within c.t, but that’s a wider subject!

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 18:13

Thanks for the answer.


Tue 3 Jan 2023, 18:49

"Wouldn't it be nice to download the route and also get the campsites from OSM?"

If you use Osmand on the appropriate settings you can download the route, open it in Osmand and see any Osmand campsites that are on, or close to, the route. 

What I do is to add a viapoint on CT, write a note to myself that there is a campsite in the area (suitably researched) and that note will appear in the turn by turn directions (paper or unit). I tend not to plan too specifically so this may not be relevant for some.