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Sharing a route?

4 May 2023
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Wondering if there is a way to send a route to someone so they  can help me find POI?

Do they have to have a CT account? 


Thu 4 May 2023, 21:45

Once you’ve saved the route, you can just copy the URL (the web address) and send that. It’ll look something like this: No account needed!

Thu 4 May 2023, 22:26

Thanks Richard. Going to send part of our route to a Dutch friend to have her comment.

Tue 9 May 2023, 19:11

I didn't even think of that ;) It might be cool to have a "Share" button that copies the URL for a person so they can intuitively share the map. This was a feature I was looking for as well :) Thank you!!!!

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 09:20

Hi, I just tried sharing routes three ways with my wife who is also a subscriber, via the send and receive route in the app, by exporting the gps file and by copying and sending the url of the route. None of them worked! What am I doing wrong?

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 10:15

Can't speak for the app (and it would be helpful to specify if apple or Android).

Have you checked that the route you want to share isn't marked as private? (Sunglasses (Private) as opposed to glasses)

Exporting the GPS file is only step one. You then need to send that file to your wife. I've always used email. (Not to your wife :-) )

Ditto for copying & pasting the URL. In this case, the easiest thing is for your wife to click on the link, opening the route on the CT website and then saving/downloading as required. 

It's not particularly clear to me what hasn't worked. There could be differences between the website and the app in terms of functionality for this, but in my experience, the website, even on a phone, works pretty much flawlessly for this kind of stuff.

Is trying to open the shared route in the app the problem? 

By the way, kudos to the two of you for being subscribers.

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 12:40

I think it’s probably the private thing - as Hobbes says, go to your Journeys list (under “My bike”) and click the sunglasses by the route to make it not private. Then you can share it.