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Route summary predicted times

9 Dec 2023
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When a route is created there is a summary giving distance and then in brackets a time. The time appears to be based on an average speed which is entered in the user profile. In most cases this is reasonably accurate and, for me, in hilly Devon and 65 years old, 12 mph is usually fairly accurate. But if I have a route climbing Alpe d'Huez then 40 minutes is not an accurate prediction and even in Devon rides can feature more or less elevation. I realise that there are other factors involved, road surface for example, but would it be possible to get the predicted times to consider elevation? I'm wondering if in the profile a user could enter data from a couple of rides giving distance, elevation and time taken. This could then be used to make predicted times more accurate?

Thank you for all the work you do which I believe has made the best tool for planning a ride.