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Sometimes, letters with diacritics are off-center on the Android app

Friday 15 March
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As seen in the screenshot from the Android app, some of the letters with diacritics are sometimes off-center.
In this case the larger, bold names have letters with diacritics that are further down than the other letters, while the smaller words do not show this issue at this zoom level. If I zoom in further, the smaller words are then shown in a larger font and also start of have off-center letters.

This however does not appear to be the case for the letter Â/â, like in Târgu Jiu.

I have so far only checked this for the Romanian alphabet in Romania and Moldova.


Sat 16 Mar, 16:55

Thanks. Yes, when the larger font (Museo) used by the app doesn’t contain a character, it falls back to another font and for some reason the baseline is different. I’m hoping to regenerate the Museo font to include the missing characters when I get a moment.