Planned this route using the 'suggest a route' feature and then adjusting it slightly to get to 50 miles. The ride highlights the rolling nature of the Northamptonshire countryside, avoids major population centres and is mostly on minor roads.
Garmin was completely misleading after Glapthorn, said 6.xx miles to next instruction, but when I rode past a minor, unfenced, gated road it complained I was off route. Also turn onto and off of A427 in Lower Benefield don't warrant a specific instruction. This is a Garmin problem not a one as I've had it before where the route leaves a more major road for a minor one but the minor is mostly (sort of) straight on.
Oundle seems to have plenty of free parking - necessary for me. But maybe busier on market days - don't know.
Most importantly it has 3 potential tea stops at approx 17 mile intervals. I did this on a Wednesday and all venues were open, having noticed previously on other rides that some places don't open on Monday and/or Tuesday. The three stops are:
- Buttery Cafe in Woodford, just off the route and signposted from it up a track as you leave the village. Tea and home made cakes.
- Crawfords in Kimbolton. A bit further off route in the centre of town. Tea and homemade butties. There is another tea shop Olivers (?) but not investigated.
- Beans Coffee Stop. In centre of Oundle (end of ride, but you could also start with a tea I suppose). There are also other tea shops available but this one was obvious.
I walked up the 13% hill just after the A14 crossing at Spaldwick. I could claim this was due to the big Tractor coming down forcing me to stop. Which would be true but also misleading as I was probably going to walk it anyway - I'd run out of gears and oomph.