May is famous in France for its public holidays (Labour Day, Victory Day, Ascension Day, Pentecost), which means that you're unlikely to have many 5-day working weeks in the month, assuming the dates fall on weekdays (unlike in the UK where Bank Holidays are always on a Monday, in France the public holiday is whatever day of the week it falls on). So most people do what they call a 'pont' (bridge), where for example the public holiday falls on a Thursday and you take off the Friday to 'bridge' the gap to the weekend to get an extended weekend break :-)
This year May 8th was a Wednesday, so with a couple of pals we set off for a 5-day cycle tour around part of Brittany, taking regional trains with our bikes for the start and end. We were very lucky with the weather, which had been pretty uninspiring up until then (and has returned to uninspiring since) - from May 8th to the 12th it was glorious!
Some photos here if you're thinking of heading across the Channel for a tour in Brittany :-)