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concrete lanes track - shown as unpaved


In Belgium, we have added a lot of "double concrete tracks" in the last 20 years, which are now an important part of the cycling network.

The way the are currently (mostly) set up in Openstreetmap, they show up as "green" unpaved in the routing.

This would exclude them from the "paved" routing, which is not what I would expect.

So, is this a something that can be fixed in, or are the tags/track type wrong?


Oude Baan in Roosbeek:,4.8770046,3a,75y,117h,85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLFOlrFLXEraB3QnQH0KWkQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Shows up as "unpaved":

These are the properties in Openstreetmap:

Many thanks for looking into this!


route planner deviates from main road to return to it a few hundred meters later

Hi all, Richard

I cycle a lot in Belgium and abroad with all kind of bikes 'm really a big fan of the website & routing!

However, there is one point that I find annoying enough to write out here :)

I even have a colleague who stopped using for his long distance routing because of it.

Sometimes the routing algorithm takes a main road, but then whenever there is a even a very short road alongside, it takes that one to return to the main road just a few hundred meters further. This complicates the ride unnecessarily, slows you down and you loose your right of way. Also, quite often the smaller road is in bad shape. It is especially annoying when you are going downhill, or when you have to cross the main road twice. In a hilly environment, the main road is also generally the least steep. 

I have this on almost all my longer routes that I plan, and you really have to zoom in to see those deviations, most often I only discover them when doing the tour. 

Example of today is this fragment, you need to cross the road twice, see picture,
(I'm not talking about the avoidance of the Kerkstraat which is in cobble stones so OK):.,4.5674104&toLL=50.7702123,4.6029216 

What I would suggest is to set some kind of minimum length to deviate from main route, and if possible, if going downhill or if you have to cross twice set that length even longer.

I hope something is possible here!

And many thx for all your efforts!



Van het boek 'Fietsen door de mooiste landschappen van België" -Daniël Leroy & Robert Declerck - Ward van Loock

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