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First, thank you Richard for an amazing resource, I have been using the site for a bit over a year, including riding most of the easy east coast LEJOG (I tweaked bits and rode Lizard / Cape Wrath).
Second, a few anomalies, may be useful for debugging etc. may be Open Streetmap issues beyond your control, none of these seriously affect most rides so please feel free to ignore.
1. Access
- CT will take you to Cape Wrath, even though it is MOD and sometimes closed
- Will not let you go anywhere near Imber (Salisbury Plane, MOD, rarely open ) but I did ride there at new year
- Does allow you to plot a route to visit the Lions at Longleat - assume that security and common sense should avoid mishaps!
2. Hills
You mentioned you had tweaked hill routing in the recent news. It might have gone a fraction far? eg: It now routes up Whitehill in Bradford on Avon, rather than following the Wiltshire cycleway route. May suit some, but feels pretty hard work, worse than the theoretical 13% suggests. eg:
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