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Bayonne-Berenx by Anne QUENARD
stansted via ware by David Barrington
BBBR RossOnWye to Ludlow by SA_SA_SA
Londonclinic by Mariana Alves 2
Cotswolds #2 by Dan Barclay
Bayonne-Perpignan by Anne QUENARD
26 sopron wien by Kurt Van Goethem
12+1 BBBR Tintern Abbey to RossOnWye by SA_SA_SA
25 nagyrakos sopron by Kurt Van Goethem
23 feso aquaterra by Kurt Van Goethem

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lon las junkie

I have cycled this route seven times now, [from Chepstow] and have managed to stay off this route for a few years after some counselling.

The ride is full of highlights --- the Gospel Pass, Llantony priory, the Wye Valley, The Maddach trail, Caernarfon and the Menai Straight.

I've missed out a thousand highlights. I've just talked myself into doing it this year. Do you think my counsellor will allow it??

I have toured all over the country and Ireland, but this is the finest route ever. 

wash to mersey

next years exploration of unknown areas to me. rough ouline

Mercian Way

The trains to Salisbury were uneventful, thank goodness. Previous mishaps have included the rail system in eastern Yorkshire being outed in a storm and announcement that the train will miss my station.

In Salisbury the 45 route was found and the Avon valley was navigated. I stopped at The Bridge for coffee and noted that the South is embracing inflation better than the North. Next I climbed onto the Chalklands where there was much military activity. The very steep downhill into Pewsey  excited me and tested the bike. Pass with honours!

Barge inn at Honeystreet reached at 32 miles .Some food? in the pub. Excellent beer, and excellent company. Topics included class, colonel Gaddafi and the death of liberalism. Sleep 

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