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Alert at Junction

Thursday 4 April
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When following a route, particularly when there are long periods of time on the same towpath or road, I want to be alerted when there is a junction where I need to change direction. I don't want audio directions all the time, but equally I don't want to be constantly glancing down at my phone (on the stem) constantly anxious that I have sailed past a critical turning! Is there (or could there be) an option where the phone emits a notification sound alerting me to read the change of direction please? I can then look down and prepare for the turning.

Brilliant app, thank you. As a software developer and a cyclist about to rely on the app to navigate me to the Med in a few weeks time I love it.


Fri 5 Apr, 09:38

Under "Settings" we can select "dim between turns" which will mean that the screen will go dark on long, straight stretches but come back to life when approaching a turn. Is that not enough?

Admittedly, it may be hard to notice in bright sunshine but it's useful to conserve battery on longer rides.

Alternatively, if you miss a turn the app will sound a warning so there's no need for anxiety, just a little exasperation :-)

Fri 5 Apr, 15:07

Thanks for the comment. I do have the "dim between turns" option (to eek out my battery life on a long day's ride)  and in some way it contributes to the anxiety as you can't glance down and get a quick visual on any potential turns ahead. When cycling along, looking around at the scenery, you don't notice the screen turn back on to display a turn. Equally you don't want to be riding along until you're warned you've sailed past a turning. Just a beep to notify that you need to look at the screen as a turn is approaching. Just a thought.

Sat 6 Apr, 09:13

The "spoken" announcement setting seems close to what you want; it will announce an upcoming turn in advance. 

(This is on iPhone, but I assume Android has the same setting.)

Sat 6 Apr, 17:24
(This is on iPhone, but I assume Android has the same setting.)

It does! That would have been the obvious response! :-)

Wed 10 Apr, 12:23

Agreed. I tried it our over the weekend and it does appear to be the best solution. Thanks very much.