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Possible to import TCX files?

It seems so as I did a search on site and found a few other TCX created maps.

Thanks in advance.

Siri and the app.


Still a newbie to the app and really enjoying it.

I used it yesterday for a 20 kilometer ride here in Paris.

I use Siri a lot; mostly as I have a "smart helmet" which is connected via Bluetooth to the Iphone.

Very convenient as I do not need to take my hands off the handlebars thanks to robotics.

Yesterday I changed route twice. That means I needed to touch the screen. That is not usually a problem in hot weather, but in this cold I had gloves on. So I needed to stop to touch the screen to confirm the route change.

In the future, just a suggestion to be able to have Siri or shortcuts react with the app. For instance Mapmyrun which I use also can be voice activated.

Thanks in advance. 

Google maps base of your map?


Just curious (I used to develop apps for apple).

Did you use google maps (like for instance Waze does) for your templates?

For instance, I notice this today while planning a trip.

Thanks, the curious Jonathan Dunford

Distance recorded at end of session?


First many many thanks for this GREAT app. I used it for the first time yesterday.

I've been using Mapmyrun example =

Will this app also record the distance or will I need to retrace my path via google?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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