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Sustrans cycle way directionality: Override incorrect-ness button/click?

Hello (again)

[Micheal Caine voice] I've just had an idea [\Micheal Caine voice]

Given it seems common for OSM data to fail to mark Sustrans routes as bidirectional when differs from adjacent road, could you add a mouse-click option to 'override incorrect Sustrans way-ness to 2-way cycle path' which could then flag the problem to you are direct to OSM automatically...

Regards and thanks for the route-app.

A Bradley

Adlington ncn55: canal bridge missing from osm?


Another OSM anomoly?

A missing bridge on 55 across Leeds & Liverpool canal?


A Bradley

speke road ncn 62 crossing: wrong?

Your map seems to not to be able to route via the official ncn62 routing across speke boulevard in liverpool?

Open streetmap seems to show it OK.

I have included it in the route warrington-birkenhead1


A Bradley

Readonly map mode suggestion

Hello Richard (Fairhurst):

Could you add a read-only checkbox to the map page: that way I could scroll about a route without accidently adding waypoints and then needing to undo them.


Saintfield Desmesne (N Ireland) is private roads (and locked)

The router will currently route routes through Saintfield Desmense but this is both private and the gate at saintfield end will be locked....

I have made  an example route but it seems no attachment facility is avaialble.

Regards (and thanks for the otherwise very useful tool :) )

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