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How is different?

Our route-planner aims to find you the most enjoyable bike route. No training goals, no big-name endorsements, no bells and whistles... just great rides. Here’s how we do it:

Quieter roads

Cycling is best when there are few cars. routes you along traffic-free paths and quiet lanes, using real traffic data† to identify the roads with fewest motor vehicles.

Better scenery

Our advanced algorithms analyse landforms and features to choose the most scenic roads and paths, preferring glorious valley roads and peaceful waterside trails to paths beside busy highways.

Clearer directions

Our unique mapping is specially designed for cyclists, clearly showing signposted routes, minor roads, and traffic-free trails, without distracting you with features intended for motorists. Plus cafés and pubs, of course.

Smarter routing

We analyse the base map data in more depth than any other site. Thousands of lines of code assess surface quality, access restrictions, and junction layouts to calculate the best route. We customise our analysis for each country for more reliable results.

Faster planning

Our state-of-the-art routing engine finds the best route in a fraction of a second, so you can refine your ride without endless waiting. Drag your route around in real time with up to 200 via points.

More ideas

Use our detailed route guides to inspire your next cycling holiday - based on real riding experience, not just desk research. Or simply plan a fun afternoon ride with our circular route feature.

Proudly independent

We've been developing since 2013 without investor funding or the backing of a big company. We'd love it if you were to become a supporter, but our route-planner is available 100% free to everyone - you don't need to buy “premium membership” or to “unlock regions”.

Go to the route-planner

† We use traffic data for selected roads in most of Western Europe, the US, Australia and New Zealand, and we're constantly improving our coverage.

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