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TH_Padd by Vaclav Cizkovsky
Owen Bike Commute by Jason Eldridge
0512 by Ferris Vandierendonck
0511 by Ferris Vandierendonck
4. Tag Kaleu HM-Alhausen by Beach Ball
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3. Tag Kaleu HX-HM by Beach Ball
0509 by Ferris Vandierendonck
0508 by Ferris Vandierendonck
B p 2 day 7 by riccardobaciga

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File location for .Gpx files..

A great enhancement would be an ability to specify the directory for .gpx files. Using an android phone this would dispense with the need to use a file manager from the download directory to Osmands directory. (Although I suppose you could set Osmand to look in Downloads, but that would be messy)

Great application - Thank You

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