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NCN 573

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Using the journey-planner

To plan a bike route, click the start and end points, or type placenames above.

To alter the route, just drag anywhere on the route - a new marker will appear.

To see photos (UK/Ireland), click on the route, and choose 'Find photos'.

To remove a point, click the point, and choose 'Remove via point'.

To find places to stay, click 'Find hotels', then look for the bed icons.

To follow your route on a phone, download our iPhone app or Android app and open your saved routes.

To share your route with friends, click 'Save'. You'll need to log in first.

For more help, read our detailed help pages.

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To plot your route, click the start and end points, then drag places on the route until it goes the way you want.

Then to share your route, click 'Save'. (You'll need to log in first.) You can write a description once it's saved.

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